Wednesday 8 June 2016

West Lancs Community High School - Exploring The Story Box

I really enjoyed visiting pupils at West Lancs Community High for this project. The students and staff were so welcoming and shared creatively and imaginatively in the Sandy Lane project. It was a joy to work with them.

At the first workshop we explored my story box. Here it is...

...a curious assortment of objects for storytellers to rummage through and use for inspiration. We began by thinking about stories that might be attached to the objects. Sometimes it helps to ask questions - who could it being to? where might you find it? What happens next?

Then we thought specifically about Sandy Lane, in the present. We looked at the different shops and things to see there and then, in groups, told stories based around Sandy lane incorporating one or two of the objects from the story box. 

The stories the students created collaboratively were fresh, entertaining and imaginative. Here's a taster:

One day, at Sandy Lane Shopping Centre...

...a girl and a boy were looking around.
They saw an old man playing the recorder outside Sayer’s Bakery. He was wearing red clothing and he had a money bag with him. The money bag was for collecting money from people to give to charity.
The old man had a dog with him; it was a Basset Hound. The dog sat next to the money bag to guard it.
The girl and boy decided to have a dance when they heard the old man playing Spanish music on his recorder. As they danced, a crowd gathered and they joined in, too. All the shopkeepers came out of their shops clapping their hands and they donated lots of money to the charity.

One day, at Sandy Lane Shopping Centre...

...there was a bunny called Bob who was building a pet shop. You could buy a puppy, a pig or a rabbit.
The building soon was done. But all the animals escaped! He didn’t know where they were.
The animals were all hiding around Sandy Lane. The rabbits were hiding in the glasses shop. The puppies were hiding in the Post Office. The pigs were hiding in the cake shop.
Bob the bunny was very confused. He put up a reward and the other shopkeepers helped him to find them.

One day, at Sandy Lane Shopping Centre...

...I met a pirate. He had cross bones on his hat, a parrot on his shoulder and a patch on his eye.
I wanted to run away but he said, “Do you like my wooden leg?”
I said, “yes. Shall we have a race?”
I ran fast but the pirate won.
He said “Let’s go to the chippy – it’s my treat.”
So I had sausage and chips.

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